What does your neck have to do with your migraine headaches? For a lot of people, it has EVERYTHING to do with them! Looking at your neck and posture could be your migraine headache treatment solution.
Tension in the spine (specifically in their neck) could be the cause of your migraine headaches. The neck should be curved a certain amount to allow for the spinal cord inside to sit relaxed. Because this also allows for the muscles surrounding the neck the be relaxed too. So, when the head shifts forward, or past trauma changes this normal structure, tight muscles or a tight spinal cord can cause a migraine headache.
And anyone with migraines knows that they are awful. They can run your life and prevent you from doing the things you love. These are the people that have tried everything to get rid of the pain. The good news is we help patients with this every day in our office! We offer a migraine treatment in our office that uses adjustments, traction , and guided posture exercises. Our patients see their migraines disappear forever and they are able to return to doing the things they love doing without pain or fear of the migraines returning. If you or someone you know has tried everything for their headaches, and is looking for a migraine headache solution, ask them if they’ve tried corrective chiropractic care! We offer a free consultation to see if we can help you. To read more about how we treat headaches and migraines in our office, read here.
Feel free to message us for more information or to schedule an initial consult. 🧨
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